Walter J. Breckenridge Chapter
Izaak Walton League of America

IWLA's Member's Pledge
"To strive for the purity of water,
the clarity of air,
and the wise stewardship
of the land and its resources;
to know the beauty
and understanding of nature
and the value of wildlife,
woodlands and open space;
to the preservation of this heritage
and to our sharing in it."
"I pledge myself as a member of the
Izaak Walton League of America."
Are you interested in wildlife and the outdoors?
Please Join Us!
​Become an Ike!
Click here for a membership application
If you have an interest in our natural environment - hunting, fishing, canoeing, hiking, wildlife watching, or birding - then come on out to one of our social meetings. There you will meet friendly like-minded people and learn more about what’s going on in our local community and throughout the state of Minnesota and the nation. Coming to meetings on a regular basis or becoming a member means meeting new friends and provides an opportunity to make a positive contribution to the community. By being active in the community we connect with our friends and neighbors who share a common interest in the outdoors.
We have a lot of fun while educating ourselves and others on environmental issues. We also help to conserve our natural resources and work toward a high quality of life for our children and future generations. Meeting on a regular basis, hunters, fishers, ecologists, conservationists and everyday people work together at the Chapter House toward conservation.
The Walter J. Breckenridge Chapter and the Izaak Walton League very much welcome your participation.
The W. J. Breckenridge Chapter usually meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM at the Chapter House.
The award-winning monthly chapter newsletter, Timberlines, covers all of our activities. On our website, social/educational programs are noted on the homepage. For further information on meetings click on the menu link.
Please plan on visiting the chapter, walking the wooded chapter grounds and "Breck's Island" - and joining the chapter.
If you decide to join, you'll not only meet and work with like-minded friends and neighbors, but also benefit from the Minnesota State Division and receive its quarterly newsletter - The Waltonian. In addition, you'll be a member of the national IWLA and receive the quarterly magazine Outdoor America and, if you choose to, timely updates on important national conservation issues.
The Breckenridge Chapter's scholarship program for local students majoring in environmental or biological science has sponsored more than $17,000 in college scholarships to Minnesota students. Donations to the W. J. Breckenridge Chapter's scholarship fund or the Scholarship Endowment Fund are greatly appreciated.
The Ikes are a democratic grassroots group that, due to its excellent conservation practices, is able to effectively influence local, state, and national environmental policy issues.
By joining, you will make a difference!
Contact Karen Ostenso for membership information at 612-522-2396 or by e-mail at kostenso@hotmail.com.
For additional Chapter information, call Chapter President, Steve Schaust 763-493-4921, or e-mail him at schaust@aol.com.